All on 4 Implant Systems

The “All on 4” implant system was invented and patented by Nobel Implants. This solution is an option for patients who already have a denture, or have failing teeth, and are looking for an option to standard dentures.
For patients who have limited options because of bone loss in key areas such as around the sinuses, or in the lower jaw where bone erosion has left the depth of bone in the molar regions sparse, and too shallow for conventional implant solutions the “All on 4” implant system can be a possible solution.
Before choosing this solution for you, planning should be done to determine if it’s truly the best option, or if another option with fixed implants and bridges, or another solution would be better.
This short video demonstrates how the procedure can be performed. It’s important to observe that prior to opting for this treatment plan, that the conditions are right for it. Bone condition, overall height loss through bone and gum recession, and sufficient bone presence where we need it are the key factors. We can determine these factors by taking a 3D Scan, and perform an analysis. (read more below)
There are some imitation treatments like these on the market, however, none compare to the quality and design of Nobel Biocare. If comparing prices, take into account that it’s much like comparing “apples to oranges” as the expression goes. For official information on this treatment, follow this link:
Proper Case Planning
Prior to performing this procedure, it’s critical to be able to perform a high definition scan of the areas where the implants will go. Once this is completed, and only then, proper planning can be performed. If you decide to proceed with the treatment, the price of the 3D Xrays (CT Scans) is included in the All on 4 treatment package.
The prices shown are for the two phases of the process. In the first phase usually the surgical placement of the implants takes place, and the first denture is fitted while waiting for the next phase. Click the operation titles for more information.
Only Genuine Nobel Implants, abutments, and fasteners! It is important to mention that this procedure is performed with all authentic Nobel Authorized implants and attachments. In efforts to provide lower pricing on this treatment, some dentists offer a “like all on 4” type of solution.
While other options are acceptable, it’s important to note that cost compatisons be directly compared to the authentic “All on 4” system.